Delta Industry

Graphite Electrodes

Delta Group is today a leader in the supply of graphite electrodes to dozens of leading customers and has an industrial and commercial partnership with an ISO9001:2008-certified graphite electrode producer. The plant facilities use modern technology and equipment, with lengthwise graphitization furnaces to produce UHP-quality electrodes with diameters ranging from 200 to 750mm.

Delta Group’s graphite electrodes have been continuously improved and are produced with top-quality needle coke (supplied by Conoco Phillips and Mitsubishi Chemicals) and pitch (supplied by Rütgers GmbH). All products are subject to rigorous testing and control procedures in order to guarantee a high and consistent quality to their end users.

The technical staff follows step by step the manufacturing and sale of the graphite electrodes. Delta has a production line dedicated only to its materials, on which it has complete quality control: from the choice of raw materials to the baking and graphitization processes, ending with the machining of the final products.

Delta supplies its electrodes to major steelmaking groups on a worldwide basis, providing all the necessary on-site technical assistance to supervise and guarantee the best performance of the products.

Delta’s technicians have the skill not only to maximize the performance of graphite electrodes but also to help improve the steelmaking process as well as reduce transformation costs.


  • Detailed practical and theoretical studies related to the electric arc furnace and its operations
  • Monitoring and optimization of operational, mechanical and electrical variables affecting the performances of the furnace
  • Evaluation of power supply system
  • Evaluation of transformer performance
  • Evaluation of load current and current balance between phases
  • Optimization of graphite electrodes consumption

In order to provide quick and efficient assistance and quick deliveries, Delta has offices and warehouses located in strategic areas, ensuring constant supply at all times.