Delta Industry

Carbon Credits

Driven by the need for a drastic reduction in carbon emissions worldwide, Trasteel took the decision to enter the Carbon Credits sector.
The specific purpose of the desk is to help all our clients meet their Carbon Neutrality targets and/or comply with EU ETS requirements more efficiently.

In order to achieve the above, we are fully set up to provide a 360 degrees service, from Voluntary (VER) to Compulsory (EUAs) Carbon Credits under EU ETS.
Trasteel Energy is accredited with VERRA and GOLD STANDARD registries for VER; whilst on EUAs, company is an account holder at the SWISS EMISSION TRADING REGISTRY.

Our capabilities and strengths for the Voluntary Emissions Reduction (VER) market include:

  • Act as Principal: we will be your contractual counterparty in the trade and not a broker.
  • Build “ad hoc” portfolios for every different customer
  • Able to price every project correctly, being constantly in the market.
  • Help in the Carbon Foot-Print Study and in providing an eventual Carbon Neutral Certification, with the help of our partners.
  • Avoid the link to any single credit providers and/or projects.
  • Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of every single project

As far as European Emissions Allowances (EUAs) are concerned, given the increased volatility of EUAs prices and the ever-increasing demand for the product, hedging has become a key factor for companies to plan ahead rather than being left at the mercy of a market they might know very little about.

In this context, Trasteel Energy aims to become the ideal partner in advising any entities which fall under the EU ETS scheme.
Thanks to our decades-long expertise, the desk can implement ad hoc hedging strategies and provide physical delivery of the certificates.